Abnormal Network

2022. 3. 3. · curl wtfismyip.com/text - Fast way to find a computers public IP ... myip.opendns.com -type A -server resolver1 ... And a longer one, if you don't ...
2022. 3. 2. · alternative solution that doesn't use an HTTP request. getip.sh #!/bin/bash IPADDR=$(dig short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com) echo $ ...
2015. 8. 31. · I've been using a script for a year to tell me what my own public IP address is. It's been pointed at http://ipecho.net/plain.
2018. 5. 9. · Started this service a few months ago. Hopefully it helps some people out. Works with TELNET, SSH, and HTTP (curl or wget).
2012. 1. 9. · I use curl whatismyip.org , which can be annoying at times since ... How about: alias myip='echo "$(curl whatismyip.org 2>/dev/null)"'. Upvote
2022. 12. 5. · Looking for a command which can provide the ISP public IP address of a machine which avoids an active Wireguard configuration.
2020. 9. 19. · With a typical home internet setup, the only way to find out your public IP is to check your internet router, or go to e.g. Google and search ...
2020. 7. 19. · I know that the same command shows me the private ip, but what I'm looking for is that it only shows me the ip and not a lot of text.

Search tip

myip, My IP, ë‚´ì•„ì´í”¼, 我的ip, 我的IP,,

whois naver.com, whois baidu.com

ping google.com, ping bing.com

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